Michael Townsend Williams

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Measure Your Own Well-being. The Government Does.

There are many ways to look at well-being and happiness and yet it is fairly recent that it has been measured.

You can see the results of the first UK Well-being report here. (Bath and Wiltshire seem to come out well, which is nice.)

Why not complete the well-being survey for yourself here.

If filling in questionnaires about yourself is your sort of thing (hey, why not!) you can access a whole raft of insightful questionnaires from the University of Pennsylvania here. (short registration required first)

Moodscope is another way of tracking your moods and sharing with others. It's free after a short registration and there is a simple video worth watching that explains how it works.

Measuring how you feel and doing something about it is one of the reasons that I have developed a biofeedback product called Breathe Sync.

Let me know how you feel about it.